Ma Tovu - p. 8
Ma tovu ohalekha Ya’akov, mishk’notekha Yisra’el
Inspire Us – p. 9
Eternal God,
We have come together to pray as a congregation;
Yet each of us is strangely solitary in Your presence.
Each of us comes before You with special hopes and dreams;
Each of us has personal worries and concerns.
Each of us has a prayer no one else can utter;
Each of us brings praise no one else can offer.
Each of us feels joy no one else can share;
Each of us has regrets which others cannot know.
And so, we pray:
If we are weary, give us strength;
If we are discouraged, give us hope.
If we have forgotten how to pray, remind us;
If we have been careless of time, forgive us.
If our hears have been chilled by indifference,
Warm them with Your mercy, and inspire us,
With the glowing spirit of this sacred hour. Amen.
Bless Us Enough – p. 11
Source of all goodness,
As we begin tonight’s worship,
We ask Your blessings.
Grant us health enough to perform our daily tasks,
Wealth enough to answer our needs,
Compassion enough to feel the needs of others.
Give us strength enough to recognize our faults,
Wisdom enough to understand Your laws,
Loyalty enough to discharge our duties.
Give us courage enough to be true to the best within us,
Charity enough to see the best in others.
Give us patience enough no to become discouraged,
Hope enough to overcome all fears for the future,
And faith enough to feel Your presence. Amen.
Yedid Nefesh version 1 - p. 12
Yedid nefesh, av harachaman, meshoch avd’cha el r’tzon’cha.
Yarutz avd’cha kemo ayal, yishtachaveh el mul hadarecha
Te’erav lo yedidutecha, minofet tsuf vechol ta’am.
Hadur naeh ziv haolam, nafshi cholat ahavatecha.
Anah El nah refah nah lah, b’harot lah noam ziv’cha,
Az titchazek v’titrapeh, v’hay’tah lah simchat olam.
Yedid Nefesh version 2 - p. 12 bottom
Higaleh, galeh galeh. Higaleh na. Ufros, ufors chaviv alai et sukat, sukat sh’lomekha.
Remind and Help Us – p. 13
God of the strong and of the weak,
Before You, even the strongest are weak.
Lord of all wisdom and knowledge,
Before You even the wisest is as a speechless child.
You fill the heavens with Your majesty,
And yet reveal Yourself in a lowly bush.
Fill us with the pride which prevents self-humiliation;
But purge us of the pride which leads to self-exaltation.
Remind us that we are only human,
So that we may strive for true greatness.
Help us to see how dependent we are-
Upon You and upon one another.
Help us to fulfill the teaching of Your prophet;
To do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God.
Shalom Alekhem - p. 16
Shalom aleichem, malachei hasharet, mal’achei elyon.
Mimelech mal'achei hamlachim, Hakadosh baruch Hu.
Bo'achem leshalom, mal’achei hashalom, mal’achei elyon
Mimelech mal'achei hamlachim, Hakadosh baruch Hu.
Bar'chuni leshalom, mal’achei hashalom, mal’achei elyon
Mimelech mal'achei hamlachim, Hakadosh baruch Hu.
Tzetchem leshalom, mal'achei hashalom, mal’achei elyon
Mimelech mal'achei hamlachim, Hakadosh baruch Hu.
L’chu N’ran’na - p. 22
L'chu n'ran'na lashem, nariah l’tzur yisheinu
N'kadma fanav b'todah, bizmirot nari’ah lo
Ki el gadol Adonai umelech gadol al kol elohim
Asher b'yado mechkirei aretz v'totafot harim lo.
Shiru Ladonai (Sing Unto God) version 1 -p. 24
Shiru ladonai shir chadash, shiru ladonai kol ha’aretz
Shiru ladonia barchu sh’mo, basru miyom l’yom y’shuato
Sapru vagoyim k’vodo b’chol ha’amim nifl’otav
Ki gadol Adonai umhulal m’od. Nora hu al kol elohim.
Shiru Ladonai (Sing Unto God) version 2 - not in the siddur
Shiru ladonai kol ha’aretz. Shiru ladonai shir chadash
Sing unto God all the earth a new song. I will sing unto God a new song
Sing unto God and we'll all sing along. All the earth a new song unto God.
Yism’chu - p. 22 bottom
Yishm’chu hashamayim v’tagel ha’aretz. Yir’am hayam umlo’o.
Zamru Ladonai - p. 28 middle
Zamru lAdonai b’khinor, b’khinor v’kol zimra,
B’khatzotrot v’kol shofar hari’u lifnei hamelekh Adonai
Yir’am hayam umlo’o tevel v’yoshvei va.
N’harot yimkha’u khaf yakhad harim y’raneinu
Lifnei Adonai ki va, ki va lishpot ha’aretz.
Yishpot tevel b’tzedek v’amim b’meisharim.
Rom’mu - p. 30 bottom
Rom’mu Adonai Eloheinu v’hishtakavu l’har kodsho. Ki kadosh Adonai Eloheinu.
Mizmor L’David - p. 34
Mizmor l’David
Havu ladonai b’nei eilim, havu ladonai kavod va’oz
Havu ladonai k’vod sh’mo, histachavu ladonai b’hadrat kodesh
Kol Adonai al hamayim El hakavod hir’im Adonai al mayim rabim
Kol Adonai bakoach, kol Adonai behadar
Kol Adonai shover arazim, vay’shaber Adonai et arzei halvanon
Vayarkidem k’mo egel l’vanon v’sirion k’mo ven k’mo ven re’mim
Kol Adonai khotzev lahavot esh, kol Adonai yakhil midbar
Yakhil Adonai midbar kadesh, kol Adonai y’kholel ayalot
Vayekhesof y’arot uvheichalo kulo omer avod kulo omer kulo omer kavod
Adonai lamabul yashav vayeshev Adonai melekh l’olam
Adonai oz l’amo yiten, Adonai y’varekh et amo vashalom
L’cha Dodi - p. 38
L’kha dodi likrat kalah p’nei Shabat n’kab’lah
Shamor v’zachor b’dibur ehad hishmiyanu El hamyukhad
Adonai ekhad ush’mo ekhad l’shem ultiferet v’l’t’hila
L’kha dodi likrat kalah
Likrat Shabat l’khu v’nelkha ki hi m’kor hab’rakha
Merosh, mikedem n’sukha sof ma’aseh b’makh’shava t’khila
L’kha dodi likrat kalah
L’kha dodi likrat kalah p’nei Shabat n’kab’lah
(continues on next page)
Mikdash melekh ir m’lukkha kumi tz’i mitokh hahafekha
Rav lakh shevet b’emek habakha v’Hu yakhamol alayikh khemlah
L’kha dodi likrat kalah
L’kha dodi likrat kalah p’nei Shabat n’kab’lah
Bo’i v’shalom ateret ba’alah gam b’simkha uv’tzoholah
Tokh emunei am s’gulah bo’i khalah, bo’i khalah
L’kha dodi likrat kalah
L’kha dodi likrat kalah p’nei Shabat n’kab’lah
Tov L’hodot - p.42
Tov l’hodot lAdonai ul’zamer l’shimkha elyon
L’hagid baboker chasdecha, v’emunat’cha baleilot
Alei asur v’alei navel, alei higayon b’khinor
On this the day of days my lips shall sing your praise
For I know that you'll always be here surrounding me
I wish to understand the wonders of your hand
For all the blessings that are mine rise from Your design
Tzadik Katamar p. 42 bottom
Tzadik katamar yifrakh k’erez balvanon yisgeh
Sh’tulim b’veit Adonai b’khatzrot Eloheinu yafrikhu
Od y’nuvun b’seivah d’sheinim v’ra’ananim yihyu
L’hagid ki yashar Adonai tzuri v’lo avlata bo
A Prelude to Barchu – p. 49
Having gathered to worship as a Kehillah Kedoshah,
We blend our voices and joint our hearts.
We link ourselves to generations of our people,
Through the ages and across many lands.
In praying the words which we are about to hear and utter,
They bequeathed to us their thoughts, their hopes, their faith.
These ancient words, now enshrined in our worship,
Stir our souls anew, and invite us once again,
To add our voices to those which echo across time,
As we rise to be summoned to be summoned-and to respond.
Am I Prepared - intro to Barchu not in the siddur
Em Bm C G
Am I awake? Am I prepared?
Are you listening to my prayer?
Can you hear my voice? Can you understand?
Am I awake? Am I prepared?
Barchu - p. 50
Barchu et Adonai ham’vorakh
Baruch Adonai ham’vorakh l’olam va’ed
Maariv Aravim: Lord of night and day – middle of p. 51
Praised are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe,
Whose word brings the dusk of the evening.
Your wisdom opens the gates of dawn;
Your understanding regulates time and seasons.
The stars above follow their appointed rounds,
In response to Your divine will.
You create day and night;
You alternate darkness and light.
You remove the day and bring on the night;
You separate one from the other.
We call You “Lord of heavenly hosts”;
You are our living God.
May You rule over us as You rule over nature;
Praised are You, O Lord, who brings the evening dusk.
Maariv Aravim: Lord of night and day (Alternate) – bottom of p. 51
O Lord, Your word brings on the evening twilight;
The heavens proclaim Your glory;
And we, Your creatures on earth,
Behold in wonder Your endless miracles.
Help us to recognize Your guiding power
In distant galaxies and in our own souls.
Teach us Your law of righteousness and love,
So that Your spirit may govern our lives.
Source of peace, bless our worship;
May our meditations find favor in Your sight.
May our gratitude for Your wonders
Lead us, in love, to Your service,
So that, like the changing seasons, the days, the nights,
Our lives, too, will proclaim Your glory. Amen.
Ahavat Olam - p. 52
Ahavat olam beit Yisra'el amcha ahavta,
Torah umitzvot chukim umishpatim otanu limad'ta.
Al ken Adonai Eloheinu b'shochveinu uv'kumeinu nasi'ach b'chukecha,
V’nis'mach b'divrei torat'cha uv'mitzvotecha le'olam va'ed.
Ki hem chayeinu ve'orach yameinu
Uvahem neh'geh yomam valaila.
Ve'ahavatcha al tasir mimenu le'olamim,
Baruch ata Adonai, ohev amo Yisrael.
Sh’ma and Vayomer - p. 54
Sh’ma Yisra’el, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai ekhad.
V'ahavta et Adonai Elohecha, b'chol l’vav'cha, uv'chol nafsh’cha,
uv'chol m'odecha.
V'hayu had'varim haeileh, asher anochi m'tsav'cha hayom, al l'vavecha
V'shinan-tam l’vanecha, v'dibarta bam b'shivt'cha b’veitecha,
uvlecht'cha vaderech, uv'shochb'cha uvkumecha
Ukshartam l'ot al yadecha, v'hayu l'totafot bein einecha.
Uchtavtam, al m'zuzot beitecha, uvish’arecha.
(continued on next page)
Vayo'mer Adonai el mosheh lei’mor
Daber el b’nei Yisra’el va’amrata aleihem
V’asu lahem tzitzit al kanfei vigdeihem l’dorotam
V’natnu al tzitzit haknaf p’til t’kheilet
V’haya lakhem l’tzitzi ur’item oto uzkhartem et kol mitzvot Adonai va’asitem otam
V’lo taturu akharei l’vavkehm v’akharei eineikhem aher atem zonim akhareihem
L’ma’an tizk’ru va’asitem et kol mitzvotai v’hitem k’doshim lEloheihem
Ani Adonai Eloheikhem asher hotzeiti etkhem me’eretz mitzrayim lihyot
lakhem lElohim. Ani Adonai Eloheikhem
A Chorus of Hope and Thanksgiving – bottom p. 59
The truth that we affirm is that our God is one, and that the incomparable Holy One redeems us in every age.
God delivered us from bondage, from tyrannies old and new, enabling us to sing our praise on the shores of many lands.
The Lord has ever been our hope, our strength in times of woe; saving our people from despair, from disaster and confusion.
God’s wonders we behold each day; God’s redemption we await each night. God’s guidance is still with us no, as it was in years long passed.
We praise the Lord in words of song which echo from ancient times, joining memories of deliverance with a chorus of hope and thanksgiving.
Mi Chamocha - p. 60
Michamocha ba’eilim Adonai. Mi kamocha nedar bakodesh. Nora t’hilot oseh feleh.
Malchut’cha ra’u vanekha boke’a yam lifnei Moshe, zeh eyli anu v’am’ru:
Adonai yimloch l’olam va’ed.
Emet Ve-Emunah: God our Redeemer – p. 61
True and certain it ist hat there is One God, Incomparable, And that we, the Household of Israel, are God’s people.
It is God who redeemed us from the might of tyrants, Delivering us from slavery unto freedom.
Great are the things which God has done, With wonders which are withoug number.
Delivering our ancestors from Egyptian bondage, Inspiring hope and faith in every generation.
May God continue to protect our people, And guard all humankind from disaster.
When the Children of Israel beheld God’s might, They gave thanks and praised the Divine Name.
They accepted God’s sovreignty willingly And sand in joyous thanksgiving.
Moses and the Children of Israel Proclaimed in great exultation-
Michamocha ba’eilim Adonai. Mi kamocha nedar bakodesh. Nora t’hilot oseh feleh.
Malchut’cha ra’u vanekha boke’a yam lifnei Moshe, zeh eyli anu v’am’ru:
Adonai yimloch l’olam va’ed.
Hashkiveinu vesrion 1- p. 62
Hashkiveinu Adonai Eloheinu l’shalom v’ha’amideinu malkeinu l’chayim
Ufros aleinu sukat shlomekha l’chayim ulshalom me’ata v’ad olam
Hashkiveinu vesrion 2 - p. 62
Ufros aleinu sukat shlomekha, v’akneinu b’eitzah tovah milfanecha, v’hoshiyeinu.
Peace Means More Than Quiet
Help us, O God, to lie down in peace; but teach us that peace means more than quiet. Remind us that if we are to be at peace at night, we must take heed how we live by day. Grant us the peace that comes from honest dealing, so that no fear of discovery will haunt our sleep.
Rid us of resentments and hatreds which rob us of the peace we crave.
Liberate us from enslaving habits which disturb us and give us no rest.
May we inflict no pain, bring no shame, and seek no profit from another’s loss.
May we so live that we can face the world with serentiy and with grace.
May we feel no remorse at night for what we have during the day.
May we lie down in peace tonight, and awaken tomorrow to a richer and fuller life.
V’shamru - p. 64
Veshamru b’nei Yisrael et hashabat la'asot et hashabat ledorotam, b’rit olam.
Beini uvein bnei Yisrael, ot hi l'olam,
Ki sheshet yamim asa Adonai et hashamayim v'et ha'aretz,
Uvayom hashvi'i shavat vayinafash
Sanctuary Song - intro to Amidah not in the siddur
Oh God, prepare me to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried an true
And with thanksgiving I’ll be a living sanctuary for You.
Shalom Rav - song following Amidah - p. 74
Shalom Rav al Yisra’el amkha tasim l’olam
Ki ata hu melekh Adon l’khol hashalom
V’tov b’einekh l’varekh et amkha Yisra’el b’khol et uv’khol sha’ah bishlomekhah
Oseh Shalom - song following Amidah - p. 76
Oseh shalom bimromav, Hu ya’aseh shalom aleinu v’al kol Yisra’el, v’imru Amen
Mishebeirach - not in the siddur
Mi shebeirach avoteinu m'kor hab'racha l'imoteinu
May the source of strength, Who blessed the ones before us,
Help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing, And let us say, Amen.
Mi shebeirach imoteinu m'kor habrachah l'avoteinu
Bless those in need of healing with r'fuah sh'leimah,
The renewal of body, the renewal of spirit, And let us say, Amen
Mediation Before Kiddush I – p. 89
On this Shabbat, which is a reminder of Creation. We thank You, O God, for the world You have given us. You have filled the world with beauty for our eyes, with music and laughter for our ears, with soft things for us to touch, with fragrances for us to inhale, with fine foods to sustain and delight us. As we enjoy these blessings, which You have granted, may we, too, bring blessing into the lives of others. As we recall Your blessings, too many to be counted, too constant to be merited, may we be moved to thank You always, as we do now, for the fruit of the vine which You have created and for the Shabbat which You have sanctified.
Kiddush for Shabbat Eve – p. 90
Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu, melekh ha’olam, borei p’ri hagafen.
Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu, melekh ha’olam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’ratza vanu, v’shabat kodsho b’ahava uvratzon hinchilanu, zikaron l’ma’aseh v’reishit. Ki hu yom t’chilah l’mikra’ei kodesh, zecher litziyat mitzrayim. Ki vanu vacharta v’otanu kidashta mikol ha’amim v’shabat kodsh’cha b’ahava uvratzon hinchaltanu. Baruch atah Adonai m’kadesh hashabat.
Counting of the Omer (from Pesach to Shavu’ot) – p. 732
Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu, melekh ha’olam, asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu al sfirat ha’omer. Hayom yom ….….la’omer shehem ……….. la’omer.
Aleinu - p. 118
Aleinu le'shabeiach la'adon hakol, Lateit gedulah leyotzeir bereshit,
She'lo asanu ke'goyei ha’aratzot, Ve'lo samanu ke'mishpechot ha'adamah,
She'lo sam chelkeinu kahem, Ve'goraleinu ke'chol hamonam.
Va'anachnu korim, u'mishtachavim, u’modim,
Lifnei melech, malchei ham’lachim, Hakadosh baruch Hu.
She'hu noteh shamayim, ve'yoseid aretz,
U'moshav yikaro bashamayim mi-ma'al,
U'sh'chinat u-zo be'gavhei me’romim.
Hu Eloheinu, ein od. Emet malkeinu, efes zulato.
Kakatuv be'torato, ve'yadata hayom, ve'hashevota Eil le'vavecha.
Ki Adonai, Hu ha-Elohim, bashamayim mi-ma’al,
Ve'al ha'aretz mi-tachat. Ein od.
Kakatuv be'toratecha: "Adonai yimloch le'olam va'ed."
Ve'ne'emar: "Ve'haya Adonai le'melech al kol ha'aretz,
Bayom hahu yihiyeh Adonai echad, u'shemo echad."
Mourners Kaddish – p. 124
Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’mei rabah. Amen. B’almah divra kir’utei v’yamlikh malkhutei b’khayeikhon uvyomeikhon uvkhayei d’khol beit yisra’el, vi’mru, Amen.
Y’hei sh’mei rabah m’varakh l’olam ul’almei almaya.
Yitbarakh v’yishtabakh v’yitapa’ar v’yitromam v’yitnasei v’yit’hadar v’yit’aleh v’yit’halal sh’mei d’kud’shah, brikh hu, l’eilah min kol birkhatah v’shiratah, tushb’khatah v’nekhematah d’amiran b’almah, v’imru, Amen.
Y’hei shlamah rabah min sh’mayah v’khayim aleinu v’al kol yisra’eil, v’imru, Amen.
Oseh shalom bimromav, hu ya’aseh shalom aleinu v’al kol yisra’eil, v’imru, Amen.
Yigdal - p. 126
- Yigdal Elohim chai v’yishtabach, nimtza v’ein et el metsi’uto.
- Echad v’ein yachid k’yichudo, ne’elam v’gam ein sof l’achduto.
- Ein lo d’mut haguf v’eino guf, lo na’aroch eilav kedushato.
- Kadmon l’chol davar asher nivra, rishon v’ein reishit l’reishito.
- Hino adon olam v’chol notsar, yoreh g’dulato umalchuto.
- Shefa n’vuato netano, el anshei s’gulato v’tif’arto.
- Lo kam b’Yisrael k’Moshe od navi umabit et t’munato.
- Torat emet natan l'amo el, al yad n’vi’o ne'eman beito.
- Lo yachalif ha'el v'lo yamir dato, l'olamim, l’zulato.
- Tsofeh v’yodea s’tareinu, mabit l’sof davar b'kadmato.
- Gomel l’ish chesed k’mif’alo, noten l’rasha ra k’rish’ato.
- Yishlach l’ketz yamin meshicheinu, lifdot m’chakei ketz y’shuato.
13.Metim y’chayeh El b’rov chasdo, baruch adei ad shem t’hilato.
The members of Congregation B'nai Israel and the host family are delighted to welcome you to the Bar/Bat Mitzvah of their son or daughter, which will be celebrated during our Shabbat (Sabbath) morning service, or in some cases during a Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. Together we thank you for making this Simchah (joyous occasion) more special with your presence.
Bar/Bat Mitzvah
The Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony takes place when a Jewish child reaches the age of 13. The words Bar/Bat Mitzvah mean “son/daughter of a Mitzvah.” A Mitzvah is an action which connects Jews both to the divine and to all other Jews past, present, and future. In practical terms this means the Jewish child is considered old enough to assume the rights and responsibilities of Jewish adulthood. The Bar/Bat Mitzvah will now be expected to fulfill these moral and ethical commandments throughout his/her daily life.
Our Synagogue & Customs
Congregation B'nai Israel is a Conservative synagogue that observes traditional customs. All men and boys are asked to cover their heads with a Kippah/yarmulke to show their respect for God. For women, covering the head is encouraged, but not required unless going up onto the Bimah. Kippot are available when you enter the synagogue. Jewish men and many Jewish women wear a Tallit (prayer shawl) as a reminder of the 613 commandments recorded in the Torah.
Shabbat is a day of sanctity and rest from certain actions, beginning at sundown on Friday evening and ending when three stars can be seen in the sky on Saturday night. We therefore ask that while at our synagogue during these times, you refrain from telephone use, photography, writing, smoking, videotaping, and handling money. Please turn off your mobile devices.
You may enter or leave the sanctuary during the service, except when the congregation is standing, the Torah is being read, or the Rabbi is speaking. Please follow the ushers’ instructions.
The Sanctuary
In front of you is the bimah (raised podium), the focal point of the sanctuary, and the Aron HaKodesh (Holy Ark) which contains the Torah scrolls. The Torah scrolls are the Five Books of Moses handwritten by a scribe on parchment in Hebrew. Located in the glass room are plaques honoring the memory of loved ones who have passed away.
The Shabbat (Saturday) Morning Service
Today’s service will last approximately two and a half hours and consists of three parts: Shacharit (morning service), Torah Service, and Musaf (concluding service). The centerpiece is the Torah service when the Torah is removed from the ark to be read. The Bar/Bat Mitzvah will read from the Torah for the first time as an adult, may chant a Haftarah — a selection from the biblical books of the Prophets — and will present a Drash (lesson) based on today’s readings.
During the Torah service, the weekly reading is divided into sections, each called an aliyah. At least eight people, including the Bar/Bat Mitzvah, will be honored by being called up for an aliyah to the Torah. Before and after each section of the Torah is read, the individual called up for that aliyah recites a blessing.
Whenever the ark is opened, the congregation rises to show their respect for the sacred nature and holiness of the Torah and its message. At the beginning and at the conclusion of the Torah service, the scroll is carried around the sanctuary. This ceremony demonstrates that the Torah belongs to the entire congregation, and worshipers respectfully greet and kiss the Torah as it passes as a sign of devotion to God’s teachings.
Two books are used during the service – Sim Shalom, the blue prayer book, and Etz Hayim, the larger red volume, which contains the Torah, selections from the Prophets, and commentary. Please do not place these books on the floor; instead, place them in the book rest beneath the chair in front of you.
Other Services When A Bar/Bat Mitzvah May Be Held
When a service is held on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning the service is slightly different than described above for Shabbat Morning:
The service is generally shorter.
A smaller number of Torah readings are chanted, and fewer congregants/guests are honored with a role in the Torah service.
Some services may not include chanting a haftarah (selection from the biblical books of the Prophets) after the Torah readings.
We still ask that you turn off your mobile device and refrain from telephone use, photography, and smoking inside the sanctuary during the service, and that guests not record video in the sanctuary. However, photography/video and use of devices is allowed in other parts of the building, and smoking is permissible in front of the building. (Note: the Shabbat restrictions on these activities at the synagogue applies at Saturday afternoon events until Shabbat is over, generally 45 minutes after sundown.)
After the Service
After the service, the entire congregation joins together for a kiddush (a snack or luncheon) in the social hall. Bar/Bat Mitzvah guests may also be invited to a private luncheon at the synagogue or offsite after joining the congregational kiddush for a few minutes.
Mitzvah Project
Many of our Bar/Bat Mitzvah students undertake a "Mitzvah Project", which is a project to help others in the synagogue or in the community in some significant way. We encourage projects related to the student's personal interests and hobbies.